Don’t stop dreaming.

By now we’ve all been inundated with media, messages and montages of all things linked to Coronavirus and the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic.  We’ve seen news reports, press conferences, government addresses and news bulletins dedicated to updating communities, sending recommendations to flatten the curve and enforcing restrictions to help save lives.

Through the barrage, one could be forgiven for feeling a little low, depressed even.  As surfers we’ve built our routines around spending quality time in the brine, and the extended time in #iso may be starting to take its toll.  If you’re in this boat (not on the way to a perfect reef pass), we’ve got a message for just for you:

Don’t stop dreaming!

Here’s what we know.  This time will come to an end and things will go back to some sort of normality again.

The question for each of us is, what kind of normal do we want to create for ourselves?

We’ve seen over the course of history how humanity has rallied after world-impacting events. We’re talking revolutions of the industrial kind(s), renaissance and the double-edged sword of the digital age.  There’s no doubt the landscape will look very different on the other side of this, but it’s what will rise out of the ashes that should get us excited!

Now is the time to start dreaming.

Surfing and the ocean will be there for us on the other side of this virus imposed dry spell. But what are we going to bring to surfing and the ocean when we can all wet our gills again? (Sidenote: if we are all being responsible and doing our part, we will all get back there a little sooner.)

We probably all agree that the world needed a major re-set, and no matter what side of that theory you sit, we’ve all been forced to take a long hard look at how we’re living.  The old cliché that says ‘the only constant is change’ seems to be ringing louder now than ever before. Some of that change will be forced and some will come from what we decide to be our new normal once all this passes.

Maybe there will be a kick against the surge of corporate greed and the relentless pursuit of growth at all costs that we’ve witnessed for decades. Maybe we’ll see a more considered approach to business, development and consumerism, one that focuses on creating sustainable and impactful business and processes?  Could we see a shift towards more creativity, more community, more collaboration and more craftsmanship?

Only time will tell. But change comes from normal people like you and I taking action, and so the million-dollar question remains:

What are you dreaming about right now?  Is this your time in history to shine and pursue that burning passion you can't seem to shake?

Your situation might seem gloomy with no clear pathway out, there might be no runway to set off on right now – but one thing we know (and like) about history, is that we always bounce back and there is always a way through. We just need to keep the faith, and keep on dreaming.

If you’re anything like us, you might have a little bucket list going.  A veritable wish list of the new normal you’d like to see and create.

Things you want to do, waves you want to surf, boards you want shape, communities you’d like to impact, charities you’d like to start, people you want to hang with, camping trips you’ve put off, road trips you had planned, business ideas you’ve dreamt up, brands you wanted to start, products you wanted to make, conversations you wish you had, books you wanted to write, the beach shack you wanted to build, the van you wanted to transform, dream destinations you’d pinned on your map, languages you wanted to learn, food you wanted to cook, veggie patches you wanted to plant, photos you wanted to take, the podcast you wanted to start, the turn you wanted to perfect, the board you wanted to try, the TV show you wanted to produce, the movie you wanted to make, the space you wanted to create, the family you wanted to start or the song you wanted to write.

And if you’re not like us at all, that’s ok too. You can start your own list now, and you’re welcome to borrow any of our ideas ;-)

Just promise us one thing. Don’t stop dreaming.

C.S. Lewis was once famously quoted as saying, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”  We say, “It’s never too late...” No disrespect Mr Lewis ;-)

Keep dreaming and may the waves be good where you are.

Check out our Instagram and Facebook for more of the good feel vibes! #staysafe